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At Copper Studios, we prioritize the safety of our students and take our responsibility. You can find our Company Policies, Safeguarding, and Privacy information below. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us the information provided.



  1. All parents must complete an online enrolment form when joining the school with clear information regarding emergency contacts and any relevant medical history. 

  2. A copy of primary and emergency contact numbers will be kept on class registers.

  3. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify Copper Studios of any changes to their emergency contact details

  4. In case of a fire emergency, all teachers have a clear understanding of the procedures to follow.

  5. Copper Studios will undertake regular assessment of risks regarding our premises and any concerns will be raised with the owners.

  6. It is Copper Studios' responsibility to keep a fully equipped First Aid Box within the building. In case of an incident, an Accident report must be completed.

  7. All teachers are required to have up-to-date First Aid training

  8. If required the school will contact the emergency services first, then the parent/guardian of the student(s) involved by the telephone number on the class registers.

  9. Parents understand that dance is an active sport and injuries can happen. The school accepts no responsibility for injuries sustained by any means other than a teacher’s negligence.

  10. Pupils will be supervised during class time only and parents/carers must ensure the safety of their children in the car park, waiting, changing and toilet areas.

  11. We hold no responsibility for children and young adults using the grounds around the building. 

  12. Children are not permitted in 'staff only' areas.

  13. Students/parents or guardians should inform the teacher of any special health considerations or existing injuries before participating in class

  14. Parents must be responsible for ensuring their child’s punctuality. 

  15. Students must arrive 5 minutes before class to allow time to use the bathroom, dress, remove jewelry, and neatly put their hair back.

  16. All students must be READY TO DANCE at the start of each class. Late students may only enter with permission from the director/teacher and may be asked to sit and observe class.

  17. Dress code must be observed at all times, especially footwear for safe dance practice.

  18. Only indoor dance shoes should be worn inside the studio to protect the floor and for health and safety reasons.

  19. Shoes must be worn when using the toilet facilities.

  20. Pupils should not wear any jewelry that may pose a risk to themselves or others (stud earrings and jewelry worn for religious or cultural reasons are acceptable).

  21. No food (or chewing gum) is allowed in the studio. Water is permitted in cap bottles.

22. No child will be allowed to leave the studio with anyone other than a parent unless confirmed with the teacher before class either verbally or via email.

23. Students and parents are responsible for their belongings. Do not bring valuables into the studio or waiting area. Copper Studios is not responsible for lost, stolen, or misplaced property.

24. All students MUST be picked up within 5 minutes of the end of class.

25. When enrolling students online you permit for us to take photos/videos of students to share on social media and use for promotional print material. 


Class Etiquette:

1. Eyes and attention must always be on the teacher.

2. Be appreciative of corrections and apply them.

3. Be kind to your classmates. Rudeness is unacceptable.

4. No talking or leaning on the barre during class.

5. Never stop in the middle of an exercise.

6. Leaving class before it is over is not acceptable.

7. After class, say “Thank you.”



Students are required to wear plain black uniform including Copper Studios T-Shirt, Black Joggers, Black Leggings, Black Leotard, Black Shorts and Jazz/Ballet Shoes.

Students who identify as gender non-conforming may choose the dress code they are most comfortable with.



1. Payments are split over 12 months, via our automated recurring payment system. Late payments or outstanding fees will lead to us not allowing students into sessions. 

2. We offer the first class as a free taster session. After this payment must be set up via Stripe/ClassManager. Payments are split equally split over a 12-month period, which is automatically collected every month.

3. At Copper Studios, we offer a convenient payment plan that allows you to evenly distribute the cost of tuition over the course of 12 months. This ensures that the financial commitment remains consistent and manageable throughout the year, despite any breaks or closures we may have.

During the summer break, when the studio is closed for three weeks, and the Christmas break, when we take a two-week holiday, the monthly payments continue as usual. This helps us maintain the high-quality facilities, resources, and staff that make our classes exceptional.

We understand that you might wonder why you are paying for classes when they are not running, but it's important to note that your membership with Copper Studios goes beyond just the class time. It includes access to our experienced teachers, continued development of skills, rehearsal/production days, and ongoing support throughout the year.

4. If you wish to cancel a student's place at Copper Studios you are asked to pay a 1 month 'cancelation period' in which students can still attend during this time, unless otherwise permitted by the Copper Studios team.


Copper Studios has a moral and legal obligation to ensure that, when given responsibility for children all staff, chaperones, parents/legal guardians and volunteers accept their responsibilities to safeguard children from harm and abuse. This means to ensure that everyone follows procedures to protect children and report any concerns about their welfare to appropriate authorities.

There are three elements to our policy: -

  1. Prevention through awareness of each child’s needs.

  2. Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect

  3. Procedures for identifying and reporting cases or suspected cases, of abuse.
    The policy aims to promote good practice, providing children and young people with appropriate safety/protection whilst in the care of Copper Studios and allowing staff and volunteers to make informed and confident responses to specific child protection issues.



We recognise that the “entertainment industry” can be a very “adult” environment and we expect that all staff, chaperones, parents/legal guardians, volunteers and anyone else who comes into contact with children behave appropriately at all times, and remember that “The Welfare of the Child is Paramount”.

Copper Studios will therefore: -

  1. Act within the Children’s Act 1989 & 2004

  2. Act within The Children’s (Performance) Regulations 1968 (and amendments)

  3. Establish and maintain an ethos where children feel welcome and familiar with their environment and are informed of personal (toilets, dressing rooms etc) and emergency arrangements (fire exits, meeting points etc) and any Health and Safety Procedures (Dangerous equipment, First aid etc)

  4. Inform each child who the appropriate person or people are to speak to if they have any questions, problems or concerns.

  5. Ensure that all children are treated with respect and dignity and are treated as individuals and offered equality of opportunities.

  6. Always work in an open environment (e.g. avoiding private or unobserved situations and unnecessary physical contact with children) and involve/allow parents/chaperones wherever possible, to take responsibility for the child/children they are responsible for. (parents must only have responsibility for their own child)

  7. Recognising the individual needs of the child. eg recognising when a child may be tired and may need a break.

  8. Ensure that children are supervised appropriately.

  9. Ensure that all Chaperones are registered with the local authority in which they reside and have an enhanced DBS check.

  10. Ensure all crew and staff coming into close contact with a child are DBS checked.

11. Ensure that all staff and crew who don’t necessarily have close contact with children but who are assisting in the production are aware of their conduct around children.

Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect - A child is abused or neglected when somebody inflicts harm or fails to act to prevent harm. A child or young person up to the age of 18 years can suffer abuse or neglect and require protection.

Physical Abuse - May involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning or suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child.

Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates or induces illness in a child whom they are looking after.


Indicators of Physical Abuse:

  1. unexplained bruising, marks or injuries on any part of the body multiple bruises- in clusters, often on the upper arm, outside of the thigh cigarette burns human bite marks, broken bones, scalds, with upward splash marks, multiple burns with a clearly demarcated edge.

  2. • Changes in behaviour that can also indicate physical abuse:

  3. fear of parents being approached for an explanation of aggressive behaviour or severe temper outbursts flinching when approached or touched
    reluctance to get changed, for example in hot weather depression

  4. withdrawn behaviour running away from home.


Sexual Abuse - Forcing or enticing a child/young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not they are aware of what is happening, may involve: physical contact, including penetrative or non-penetrative acts; non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of pornographic material or watching sexual activities; or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.


Indicators of Sexual Abuse:

  1. pain or itching in the genital area bruising or bleeding near the genital area sexually transmitted disease vaginal discharge or infection
    stomach pains

  2. Changes in behaviour which can also indicate sexual abuse include: sudden or unexplained changes in behaviour e.g. becoming aggressive or withdrawnfear of being left with a specific person or group of people having nightmares of running away from homesexual knowledge which is beyond their age, or developmental level sexual drawings or language bedwetting,  eating problems such as overeating or anorexia, self-harm or mutilation, sometimes leading to suicide attempts saying they have secrets they cannot tell anyone about substance or drug abuse, suddenly having unexplained sources of moneynot allowed to have friends (particularly in adolescence) acting in a sexually explicit way towards adults


Neglect - Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. It may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing, failing to protect a child from physical harm or danger, or the failure to ensure access to appropriate care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs.

Indicators of Neglect:

  1. constant hunger, sometimes stealing food from other children constantly dirty or ‘smelly’ loss of weight, or being constantly underweight
    inappropriate clothing for the conditions.

  2. Changes in behaviour which can also indicate neglect may include:
    complaining of being tired all the time
    not requesting medical assistance and/or failing to attend appointments having few friends mentioning being left alone or unsupervised.

  3. Emotional Abuse - The persistent emotional ill-treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional and behavioural development. It may involve conveying to the child that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only in so far as they meet the needs of another person. It may feature age and developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children. It may involve causing children to feel frightened or in danger, for example witnessing domestic abuse within the home or being bullied, or the exploitation or corruption of children.

  4. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of ill-treatment of a child, though it may occur alone.
    Indicators of Emotional Abuse:
    neurotic behaviour e.g. sulking, hair twisting, rocking being unable to play

  5. fear of making mistakes, sudden speech disorders, self-harm, fear of parent being approached regarding their behaviour and developmental delay in terms of emotional progress


Legislation, Policy and Guidance
Copper Studios will adhere to the relevant legislation when working with children and young people under the age of 18 years as outlined in the following:

  1. Children Act 1989 Children Act 2004

  2. Safeguarding Children: Working Together under the Children Act 2004 (WAG, 2006)

  3. All Wales Child Protection Procedures (2008)


Suspicion of Abuse

 If you see or suspect abuse of a child, immediately make this known to the designated individual/manager responsible for child protection.​

  1. If a child tells you that they or another child or young person is being abused:-
    Always stop and listen straight away, show that you take their allegations seriously.

  2. Encourage the child to talk, but do not ask leading questions, interrupt or ask the child to repeat itself.

  3. Never promise that you will keep what is said confidential or secret – explain that if you are told something of concern you will need to let someone know but that you will only tell the people who need to know and can help.

  4. Record what you have been told accurately and as soon as possible. Use the child‘s own words. Make a note of the time, location, whether any one else present and of the Child’s demeanour.

  5. Ensure that your concerns are reported immediately to the designated individual/manager Do not confront the alleged abuser. Handling Allegations

  6. If a child makes an allegation against a member of staff it must be reported as a matter of urgency to the designated manager/individual for child protection who will refer to Social Services department for Children’s Services. If the allegation is against the designated person then the information should be reported to another senior manager or directly to Social Services department for Children’s Services. (This would generally be referred to the authority in which the alleged incident took place).

  7. The alleged perpetrator should not be made aware of the allegation at this point.


  1. • In all situations the details of the allegation or reported incident must be recorded. Make accurate notes of time, dates, incident or disclosure, people involved, what was said and done and by whom, action taken to investigate, further action taken e.g. suspension of individual and if relevant: reasons why the matter was not referred to a statutory agency, name of person reporting and to whom it was reported

  2. The record must be stored securely and shared only with those who need to know.

  3.  DO NOT worry that you might be mistaken; you have a responsibility to pass on your concerns following a disclosure. Never think abuse is impossible, or that an accusation about a person you know well and trust is bound to be wrong.



You are at the heart of everything we do. Our goal is to maintain your trust and confidence by handling your personal information with respect and putting you in control.

It’s important that you know what personal information Copper Entertainment (known here as “we” or ” Copper Entertainment” ) collects about you, and how we use it.

We’ve done our best to make our explanations short and easy to understand. But, if you’d like further information, or have any questions, please contact our Data Protection Officer using the details in the ‘Contact’ section below.



Our Privacy Notice has been designed with you in mind. How the notice applies to you will depend on the way in which you interact with us. For example, if you:

1. Purchase a ticket to one of our events, we will use the information you provide us to fulfil our obligations to you in delivering that service, and, where you’ve told us to keep you up to date about other events that may be of interest to you; and

2. When you browse our sites, we use cookies to tailor your experience and hopefully provide you with a seamless experience.

Your choices and rights under each scenario are explained in more detail below.

∙ What information we have and where we collect it from.

We collect and store different types of information about you when you create an account,

buy tickets, contact us, and use our websites, apps and social media.

∙ How we use your information.

We collect and use your information for lots of reasons such as helping you get into the

shows you love, sharing news, for marketing and as otherwise required by law.

∙ Who we share information with.

We may share your information with the Event Partner(s) – such as the artist, promoter, record label, team or venue) – as well as other third parties with the service provided.

∙ Your choices and rights.

Among other rights, you can choose whether to receive marketing from us. You also have the right to access the information we have about you.

∙ How we look after your information.

We’re always taking steps to make sure your information is protected and to delete it securely when we no longer need it.

∙ Questions and feedback.

If you have any questions or feedback about this notice, or how we handle your information, get in touch with us.



∙ When you create an account, purchase a product from us (such as a ticket, or merchandise), we will collect your contact and billing information.

∙ When you purchase tickets to one of our events or an event for which we are a co-promoter, we will receive your information from ticket agents used to sell tickets for our promoted and co-promoted events, or the venues we hire to put on the event. This includes your name, contact details and ticket purchase information, such as number of tickets bought and seat number(s).

∙ When you attend one of our events, we may collect your information via (i) video surveillance cameras (we use signs where such cameras are used), (ii) from our free Wifi (if you register to use it) and, if available, via cashless payment wristbands which can be used to access events and to make purchases on site at the event.

∙ When you use our websites or apps, we collect information such as the browser and device you’re using, your IP address, your location, the site you came from, what you did and didn’t use our site/app for, or the site you visit when you leave us.

∙ When you use a social media feature within our website or apps, and you post to social media platforms, the social media site will provide us with some information about you.

∙ If you have accessibility requirements, we want to make sure you have the best experience when attending events. To do this, we need to collect details of your requirements (which may involve you providing information about your mental or physical health).

∙ In the few instances where we collect personal information from children, we always seek parental consent and will only ever collect such information for the purposes specified when we collect it.

∙ We use suppliers who collate geodemographic data which assists us in better personalising our services to you. If you’d prefer that we do not do this, see the ‘Your Rights and Choices’ section below.



This section explains how we use your information and the legal basis on which we use it.

1. For the performance of our contract with you

We use your information when you enter into a contract with us (for example to buy merchandise or a ticket) so we can:

∙ Process your order

∙ Take payment, and

∙ Provide you with customer support

. For our legitimate business interests

∙ To conduct market research and analysis which helps improve and customise our products and services

∙ For our marketing purposes, unless your consent is required for such marketing (see section 3 below).

∙ To send you customer service emails including booking confirmations and event reminders.

∙ To prevent or detect unlawful behaviour, to protect or enforce our legal rights or as otherwise permitted by law. For example, making sure tickets get into the hands of real fans. As such, we may use your information to prevent ticket touting, misuse of our intellectual property (e.g. our or our Event Partner’s brands), fraud, or other crimes.

∙ To create a profile about you to help us personalise our services to you. For example, if you purchase tickets to pop events and you have consented to our marketing, we will inform you about other pop events we think you might be interested in.



∙ To contact you with information or offers regarding our upcoming events, products or services – this may be via email, via push and web notifications, via SMS, or social media platforms. You can change your marketing preferences at any time, see “Your choices and rights” section below.

∙ To provide you with location-based services – like through our festival apps which allow you to see yourself on the map so we can use your location to send you to push notifications about what’s going on around you.

∙ To conduct crowd management analytics – some of our apps use crowd management software so we can see how many people are at a particular stage, or when the busiest times at the bars are. This helps us more efficiently allocate our resources. We turn this on shortly before the festival or event, and turn it off shortly after so we’re not tracking devices when we don’t need to.

∙ To deliver tailored advertising and marketing communications on our websites and apps (see our Cookies Policy for more information)

∙ To process your health data to meet your accessibility requirements, where

specifically required and explicit consent is provided.



∙ Companies who provide services for us such as marketing, profiling, reporting and technical support.

∙ Our third-party service providers (sometimes known as data processors) such as cloud computing providers who provide the IT infrastructure on which our products and systems are built.

∙ Our co-promoters or event partners that organise or provide the specific services at an event (in accordance with their privacy policy).

∙ Third parties who provide goods and services purchased by you (e.g. merchandise) so that they can process and fulfil your orders.

∙ Government agencies or other authorised bodies where permitted or required by law.

∙ Any successor to all or part of our business.




Where you have given us your consent, you can withdraw it by doing the following.

∙ To stop receiving our marketing you can change your preferences within your account, follow the unsubscribe instructions in any of the emails we send you or contact us and we will do it for you.

∙ To opt out of the use of cookies and tracking tools, please see our Cookies Policy To opt out of location tracking and push notifications, you can change the settings on your device or keep your location off. To stop web push notifications, you will need to use your browser settings.

∙ To object to personalisation you can change your preferences within your account. If this option is not available you can contact us and we will do it for you


You also have rights over how your personal information is used including:

∙ The right to object to our processing of your data.

∙ The right to request that your information be erased or restricted from further use.

∙ The right to request a copy of the information we hold about you.

∙ The right to correct, amend or update the information you have given us (where you have an account with us you can also do this by logging in and updating your information).

∙ The right to contest any automated decision we make about you. An automated decision is a decision taken without any human intervention which has legal consequences (e.g. credit checking). We don’t typically carry out automated decision making but, if we do, we will make it clear where such decisions are being made.

To exercise any of the above rights please email Please note that whilst we will carefully assess every request we receive, your rights may differ according to your place of residence and we may not always have to comply. When this happens, we will explain why.



We have security measures in place to protect your information. The security measures we use will depend on the type of information collected.

We only keep your information for as long as required to provide you with the services you request, for the purposes outlined in this policy and for any legal purposes for which we are obliged to keep the information. We will securely delete your information when it is no longer required for these purposes, in line with our company policies.

We rely on shared services, some of which are located outside of Europe. At the same time, when world-class acts are touring, in order to provide you a seamless experience, your information may be transferred internationally.

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